This website was developed and continues to be revised in the spirit of "progress not perfection" by two recovering alcoholics. In keeping with A.A.'s 12th Tradition, it is our hope to remain anonymous. We make no claims regarding the accuracy of the information provided here. This site has not been approved or endorsed by, and is not affiliated with, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. or any service entity of A.A.W.S., Inc..
There is no financial gain for either of us from this endeavor; to the contrary, all costs necessary to create and manage this site have been born by us. Rather, this work is provided in the hope that anyone struggling with "the maintenance of their spiritual condition" in 12 Step recovery will find the higher power necessary to overcome their conditioning and awaken their true mind.

Cultivating Mindfulness & Meditation in 12 Step Recovery
Email: grayprdcts@gmail.com
Phone: 503 572-2086
Mailing Address:
286 NW Overlook Ct
Gresham, OR 97030
9 Essays, Buddhism & the 12 Step
Addictionary Recovery Research Institute
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Bright Way Zen Center
Center for Mindfulness in Public Health
Conversion as a Psychological Phenomenon PDF
Everything Alcoholics Anonymous
George Carlin interview by John Stewart
Hazelden/Betty Ford Thought for the Day
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
In the Footsteps of the Buddha
Inward Bound Mindfulness Education
Kelly Carlin (George Carlin's Daughter)
Kelly's Article in Humanist Magazine
Kevin Griffin Buddhism & Recovery
Krishnamurti Foundation of America
Krishnamurti - Book of Life PDF
Magnolia Grove Meditation Practice Ctr
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention
Mindfulness In Plain English PDF
Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
Northern Illinois Recovery Center
Oklevueha Native American Church
Portland Insight Meditation Community
Principles of Buddhist Psychology PDF
Recreate Behavioral Health Network
Sacred Path Conscious Travel
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm
Short Verses PDF
Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Spirit Rock An Insight Meditation Center
The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation
Tuck, the most comprehensive resource on sleep
Under Age Drinking & It's Dangers
Vipassana Meditation Instruction
Wellbriety (White Bison)